IMPORTANT : Please include your Twitch user name in the NOTES section BEFORE check out! Thank you!
How it works:
-You buy in
-Your name is put on a list in the order of which you bought in
-The list will be randomized SEVEN times once the break fills then it will be copy and pasted next to this team list!
Arizona Cardinals/Phoenix Suns
Atlanta Falcons/Atlanta Hawks
Baltimore Ravens/Sacramento Kings
Buffalo Bills/Toronto Raptors
Carolina Panthers/Charlotte Hornets
Chicago Bears/Chicago Bulls
Cleveland Browns/Cleveland Cavaliers
Dallas Cowboys/Dallas Mavericks
Denver Broncos/Denver Nuggets
Detroit Lions/Detroit Pistons
Green Bay Packers/Milwaukee Bucks
Houston Texans/Houston Rockets
Indianapolis Colts/Indiana Pacers
Kansas City Chiefs/OKC Thunder
Las Vegas Raiders/Utah Jazz
Los Angeles Chargers/Los Angeles Clippers
Los Angeles Rams/Los Angeles Lakers
Miami Dolphins/Miami Heat
Minnesota Vikings/Minnesota Timberwolves
New England Patriots/Boston Red Sox
New Orleans Saints/New Orleans Pelicans
New York Giants/New York Knicks
New York Jets/Brooklyn Nets
Philadelphia Eagles/Philadelphia 76ers
Pittsburgh Steelers/San Antonio Spurs
San Francisco 49ers/Golden State Warriors
Seattle Seahawks/Portland Trail Blazers
Tampa Bay Buccaneers/Orlando Magic
Tennessee Titans/Memphis Grizzlies
Washington Commanders/Washington Wizards
NOTE : The Jacksonvillie Jaguars / Cinncinati Bengals will be given away to TWO lucky people who enter this group break for free. As long as you have a spot, you will be eligible to win!
The team(s) your name is next to is your team for the entire break. You will get EVERY SINGLE card from your respective team (unless your state otherwise)
A personal break is when you purchase a physical pack(s) to be opened by me on my live stream for you to watch!! (Twitch.Tv/Daylights)
With personal breaks, you are able to keep the cards that are opened from your purchased packs! (You can choose what hits/holos/reverse holos or extra cards you would like -- I CAN ship bulk but it may cost you extra for shipping, ask me to check your bag(s) and I can let you know if it will or won't! <3
*Cards are not shipped out until you buy the 'Ship my stuff' from the store on the top of the website*
Once you compete your purchase, you agree that you have read this entire listing, details and how the break/shipping works. You also agree and understand there are no returns and/or refunds once I have started your break!
HAVE A QUESTION? Feel free to shoot me a DM on my Discord, Twitter or ask me in my Twitch chat before you purchase anything! My ultimate goal is to make sure that you are satisfied with your purchase!